
©Piotr Lis

©Piotr Lis

©Piotr Lis

©Piotr Lis

©Piotr Lis

©Piotr Lis
Theatre | CREATION | 2017
The Maids
Marking another cultural partnership between Brazil and Poland, the diretor Radek Rychcik works together with the actresses Bete Coelho, Magali Biff and Denise Assunção, on staging a new version of Genet’s classic play The Maids. This text which discuss both social and human issues, in a subjective and molecular dimension where an uncontrolled and micro-politic form is in check, as well as issues related to conflicts of classes and situations of exploitation. In the play, two sisters work as maids and plan killing their mistress, building with dialogues and games, her routine, habits and orders from madame, that are staged breaking into the cruel silent domestic relations between mistress and maids.
Radosław (or Radek) Rychcik belongs to the young generation of artists creating contemporary theatre discourse in Poland. Graduate of the Polish Philology Department of Warsaw University and National Theatrical Academy in Kraków in the Drama Directing Department, he is recognized as one of the most talented and original artists of his generation with radically new interpretations of theatre. He began his career as an assistant to renowned director Krystian Lupa on Factory 2 and later worked on Stanisław Wyspiański's drama Protesilas and Laodamia. In 2008, he directed Dictator, based on the Charlie Chaplin film, for the Wybrzeże sztuki Festival in Gdańsk. He premiered an adaptation of Flaubert's Madame Bovary for the Dramatyczny Theatre in Warsaw, following with productions of A Lover’s Discourse: Fragments by Roland Barthes at the same theatre, and Versus: In the Jungle of Cities, an adaptation from Bertolt Brecht at the Nowy Theatre in Kraków and the Under the Radar Festival in New York. Radek Rychcik’s work In the Solitude of the Cotton Fields which originally premiered in Poland in September 2009 has captured a great deal of attention as it has made the rounds at a number of festivals around the world. Starting in North America – from PICA’s Time-Based Art Festival and REDCAT in Los Angeles to On the Boards in Seattle, Under the Radar New York and the PuSH Festival in Vancouver, through South America – with the prestigious Santiago a Mil Festival in Chile as well as in Asia: PAMS in Seoul and Europe – Nancy and Berlin.
Author: Jean Genet | Direction and adaptation: Radek Rychcik | Translation: Ricardo Frayha, Ricardo Lisias | Music and video: Michal Lis, Piotr Lis | Set and costume: Hanna Maciag | Lights: Caetano Vilela | With: Bete Coelho, Denise Assunção, Magali Biff | Musicians: Gui Amaral, Marcos Leite Till, Zé Pi | Assistance direction: Ricardo Frayha | Sound and live video: Rodrigo Gava | Sound operation: Danilo Cruvinel | Light operation: Igor Sane | Technicians: Enrique Casas, Fernando Zimolo, Wanderley da Silva | Technical direction: Júlio Cesarini | Assistance production: Lara Bordin, Mariana Mastrocola
Production: prod.art.br | Production director: Ricardo Muniz Fernandes, Ricardo Frayha
Realisation: Sesc São Paulo, Adam Mickiewicz Insitute under the flagship brand Culture.pl
FIT Festival Internacional de Teatro de São José do Rio Preto
São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil
07 to 09/07/2017
Sesc Santana
São Paulo, SP, Brazil
13/07 to 14/08/2017